All drop-in programs are in-person (Hlúlú Drop in programs)
Join us for our Indigenous Program for families with children from birth to 6 years old. We focus on traditional teachings, such as the Medicine Wheel and the Seven Sacred Teachings. For more information contact reception. Bus tickets and snacks provided!
Monday | Port Coquitlam Drop-In |
The Alex Residence Amenity Room
3235 Flint St |
@ 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM |
Thursday | New Westminster Drop-In | #201 768 Columbia St | @ 9:00 AM-12:00 PM |
Friday | New Westminster Drop-In | #201 768 Columbia St | @ 9:00 AM-12:00 PM |

Aboriginal Infant Development Program (AIDP)
This program will offer services to Aboriginal children from birth -six who are identified as at-risk for developmental delay, developmentally delayed, or with a diagnosed disability, and their families living in Burnaby, New Westminster, Tri-Cities.
The Aboriginal Infant Development Program (AIDP) is for families and caregivers who:
- Have or are caring for an Indigenous child, age 0 to 6 and have general questions regarding their child’s growth and development
- Indigenous children in foster care
- Have or are caring for an Indigenous child who is at risk for or has a developmental delay
- Have or are caring for an Indigenous child who resides in Burnaby, New Westminster, or the Tri-Cities.
- Lives in Burnaby, New Westminster, or the Tri-Cities (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody).
Our AIDP consultants provide the following services:
- Home visits with one to one support
- Activity Planning
- Provide developmental and family needs assessments
- Offer toy and library lending kits
- Provide families with information on ages, stages, and delays
- Answer questions regarding parenting and general development
- Connect families to community resources and other programs
- Provide cultural information and resources
Aboriginal Supported Child Development (ASCD)
Aboriginal Supported Child Development Consultants (ASCD) support Indigenous children who require additional support in a childcare setting. Families with children up to 12 years of age and are living or attending childcare programs in the Burnaby, New Westminster and Tri-cities area can access ASCD at Spirit of the Children. Consultants can support families to find inclusive and licensed childcare centers, assist with supporting developmental goals and accessing resources. No diagnoses required. Self-referrals accepted. For more information, contact an ASCD consultant.
FASD Parenting Support Group
First and Third Fridays of the month 1:00pm to 3:00pm
For parents, relatives and caregivers who are raising Indigenous children who have or may have a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Please check our monthly calendar for the dates. For more information please contact Reception.
Child and Youth with Special Needs
The Child and Youth with Special Needs Guide (CYSN Guide) will work with aboriginal children and youth ages 6-19, and their families by assisting them with the planning process, providing information and advice on service access and availability, coordinating referrals to other agencies, and ensuring that services are delivered in a proactive, responsive, and culturally appropriate manner.
Jordan’s Principle Service Coordinator (ON HOLD)
- Ensures that First Nations children living on and off reserve are not denied access to public services.
- Eligibility requirements are:
- First Nations children 0-19 years of age
- Have status or are eligible for status.
- Has a parent or guardian that has status or is eligible for status.
- Child is ordinarily a resident on reserve.
- Has been recognized by their First Nations band for the purpose of Jordan’s Principle funding.
- Service categories covered by Jordan’s Principle are health, social and educational.For any urgent and/or time sensitive requests and/or applications please contact Indigenous Services Canada:General inquiries/requests : [email protected]
Payments inquiries :
Capital funding (CHRT 41) inquiries: [email protected]
Tel. : 778-951-0716 (Monitored from 8am to 4pm)
Jordan’s Principle Call Centre (available 24 hours, 7 days a week): 1-855-JP-CHILD (1-855-572-4453)
TTY : 1-866-553-0554
Website: Jordan’s Principle
Obin Ni’i (Gitxsan for “I am pregnant”) Prenatal Program
Obin Ni’i is an 8 week prenatal program facilitated by the Aboriginal Infant Development Consultants of Spirit of the Children. Fridays on Zoom from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Registration required
Infant Massage
Spirit of the Children is providing an infant Massage program to parents and caregivers, and their infants 0-6 months old (pre-crawlers). The program is facilitated by an Aboriginal Infant Development Consultant, who is a member of the International Association of Infant Massage. Please check back for updates. Registration required